Elisha's prayers attract an army of angels, open his servant's eyes and blind his enemies

In Psalm34:7 we read that the Angel of the Lord camps around those who fear Him and set them free. So we ask you, when you pray with faith, do you know what you've attracted to near you? We have set up a passage for reflection from the Old Testament that will make it easier for you to perceive a  REALITY that happens when we pray. You attract angels, protection, blessings! 

In 2 Kings, 6:1-23, we see that the kingdom of Syria wanted to conquer Israel. Many attempts were, but always thwarted, for God revealed to Elisha all the secrets of war that the Syrian king planned, even those plans said in secret inside his room!  After making accusations of being betrayed, a Syrian servant ununraveled the mystery and informed his king that it was the God of the Jews who sabotaged his cunning military plans, handing them over to Elisha. Very naïve, he then planned to kill this prophet, still not understanding that God would reveal this to his protégé too! 

One day they discovered that Elisha was in the city of Dotã and soon sent an army of horses and cars to execute his plan. When he reached him, his servant who accompanied him caught on and was terrified, it was impossible to escape alive! But the prophet calmed him down and said, "Those who are with us are far more numerous than this army." His servant was intrigued, for he saw nothing... 

Elisha then makes his first prayer to God in the face of that situation, asking him to OPEN his servant's EYES, being attended to by Him: the boy looked around and now saw over the mountains an army of horses and fire cars, surrounding Elisha and in even greater numbers. 

The second Elisha prayer to the Lord follows: "it aplaca blindness to the enemies". God heard again and answered him once more. Realizing that they did not recognize him, I told them that they were on the wrong track, they should follow him to reach his destination. Elisha leads the entire "blind" enemy army to the city of Samaria in Israel to deliver it into the hands of his enemies without any effort. 

Arriving in Samaria, he introduces his enemies to the Israelite king and says his third prayer to the Lord: "now open their eyes!" . And they found themselves before the king of Israel ready to kill them. But Elisha had a smarter and more merciful plan: he asked the king to serve them a great feast and send them away. So it was done and the Syrian enemies were wealthy in food and drink, left and made no more incursions of attack on Israel. 

Brethren, then we encourage you to pray and then look to the side, up and believe: you have attracted your protective angels, who carry your prayers even before God. Our physical existence is infinitely impossible to happen without the action of an infinite and almighty God and is it a reality, or not?!  (we intend in the future to demonstrate this in several ways in our posts). 

From the premise that we already live the reality of something impossible made by God, consequently EVERYTHING, ANYTHING, comes to be possible!  Because God is infinite and boundless, the impossible he does will never have limits either, whether physical or spiritual. So to believe severely that we stand before god's angels in our prayers is easier than you think, for it is a REALITY easier to "see" than to see with our physical eyes our own physical existence!!! 
