3 Eucharistic Miracles in the 90s in Buenos Aires

Our Argentine neighbors have already been graced in their capital, Buenos Aires, with three Eucharistic miracles in the 1990s, respectively in 1992, 1994 and 1996.

We will only report here the last one from 1996. Father Alejandro Pezet was saying Holy Mass and distributing communion, when a host was found on the floor, moving a pious and sensible Christian, who immediately informed the priest - who arranged for its dissolution in water in a bowl, as required by the common norm for this situation.

After ten days, to his shock, when he reopened the bowl, he found red spots on the host, growing day after day! Sequential scientific tests were carried out at the direct request of Cardinal Bergoglio, our current pope, at several renowned universities in the area around the world.

The tests were conclusive: it was heart tissue, more specifically the left ventricle, which was inflamed. So a heart that went through strong suffering....

Professor Frederick Zugibe, one of the leading experts in forensic medicine and heart disease, carried out his analyzes without knowing that the material sent to him came from a sacred host, and when asked how this "patient" had suffered:

"Because your patient had clots, sometimes he couldn't breathe, because he didn't have oxygen and he suffered a lot because each aspiration was painful. brought the sample
Upon learning that the blood and tissue were from a Eucharist, he said, "I don't believe it...."

Do you want to know more about this Eucharistic miracle and the two previous ones in Buenos Aires? access the source of information for this text by clicking on the links below. The first is the website created by the collection and research of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Don't let your legacy be forgotten! Disclose!!!


EDITORA CLEÓFAS. Milagre Eucarístico de Buenos Aires