GARABANDAL, URGENT! The messages and predictions of the end times of Nossa Senhora do Carmo


The apparitions and messages of Our Lady of Carmo de Garabandal have close connection with her messages in Fatima, Portugal and Akita, Japan. They deal with messages for the urgent conversion of humanity, the end times, and future punishments from God's wrath if their children do not convert.

The preparation of the apparitions of Our Lady were carried out by St. Michael the Archangel when he appeared to four girls in San Sebastian de Garabandal, on The Pine St. Who had childishly just stolen apples from an orchard. One of them hears a loud noise in the sky and falls to her knees on the ground in ecstasy. The others panic, but then they fall into ecstasy too. After new appearances of the angel during the next twelve days, he informs that Our Lady of Carmo, who would be called so, would appear to them the next day, on July 2, 1961.

The day came, under the attention of countless people, because the angel's apparitions had already spread in the community, they fall simultaneously into ecstasy on their knees.

They see Mother Mary with the Child Jesus in her hands and surrounded by two angels, one of them being the archangel Michael. Above her to the right was a large eye within a triangle, the Eye of God.

This being the first apparition, Our Lady only listens maternally to her daughters to tell them about their lives. Because more and more people were increasingly watching the echeries, they wanted proof, just as they were important to give authenticity to the messages:

During the ecstasy, then, doctors analyzed them. The children were insensitive to pain, cold, rigid like stone. People poked them with pins, burned them with phosphorus and nothing happened. They were on their knees for hours with their heads tilted back and pupils dilated, without showing the slightest tiredness. In his eyes they threw sand and strong spotlights of light at night and did not even blink. There was still a sudden change of weight, as one could lift the other easily while two men together did not lift any of them even an inch from the ground

At one point, during the ecaxis, they fell simultaneously on their backs, sometimes hitting the ground hard, but did not get hurt and rose supernaturally without help from the hands. Another striking feature of the girls' ectases is that they knew when they would occur because Our Lady made a sequence of three inner calls, until they all walked in ecstasy and found themselves in the same place at the end of the third call.

They walked eceastly through the village with always looking up, even on their backs or on their knees praying the Rosary without touching the pointed boulders of the region's floor. Sometimes they walked at very high speeds, which no young runner could keep up with.

In these supernatural walks, they returned objects given by the population to Our Lady to kiss (thirds, rings, medals, etc.), without ever making mistakes their owners even not knowing who owned which object and walking in the back and looking up.

Even with all this evidence the angel still granted one last great miracle for all to believe: he asked the seer Conchita to warn everyone 15 days before the day she would receive communion in her mouth. When the day came, the host miraculously appeared in her mouth after falling into ecstasy, and was even photographed at the exact moment.


Throughout the time of the apparitions accompanied by the ectoses of the children, Our Lady was gaining the trust of people, in the face of the gravity of the messages that would pass to the world, as well as the girls themselves, with whom he came to play if pique hides! in a true maternal instinct.

The first message was delivered to the girls on Monte dos Pinos in October 1961 (see, almost 70 years ago...), bringing a stern warning to God's children. It was a cold, rainy day, of strong thunderstorms, but it led many people to follow the message:

"We have to make many sacrifices, a lot of penance, visit the Blessed Sacrament often, and if we do not, it becomes a punishment for us. The cup is filling up and if we don't change it turns into us a very great punishment".

The message was short and some were frustrated, but it was very clear and direct, in the face of the pain that humanity would go through if it did not come to be corrected. It couldn't be any different!

Until 1965, the girls continued to have ecthase and listened to voiceovers of Our Lady. The second and last message was delivered to the girls in June 1965, through the intercession of St. Michael, because they did not respond to the requests of Our Lady in the first message:

"Because my message of October 18, 1961 was not fulfilled or made known to the world, I assure you that this is the last. At first the cup was filling up, now it's overflowing. Many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the path of perdition and with them go many souls. The Holy Eucharist is less and less important. You must turn away God's wrath upon you with your efforts. If you ask Him forgiveness with the sincerity of your souls, He will forgive you. I your mother, through the intercession of the Archangel St Michael, i want to tell you that you are. You are already in the last warnings, I love you very much and I do not want your condemnation. Ask us sincerely and we will give you everything. I let you sacrifice yourselves more thinking about the passion of Jesus"


In the succeeding of the girls' ecisms, Our Lady explains to them about the arrival of the end times, which should not be confused with the end of the world. The end times are a progressive worsening of things that would basically be divided into warning, warning, miracle and punishment – the latter conditioned in case humanity does not convert.

The warning was explained by the Mother as the great tribulation, which will cause great suffering to the world population and the church. In the ecmy visions of the warning, the children screamed deeply horrified, leaving the community of Los Pinos very frightened. These visions of the future that humanity would go through became known as "The nights of shouting", for these ecranked were the night. 

The progressive worsening would intensify rapidly when a pope visited Moscow for the first time. Still, after Pope John XXIII there would be only four more popes (counting only three, for one of them would rule the church very soon), then the warning would come.

To date no pope has been in the Russian capital. But note that Benedict XVI is in negotiations for a second conversation with the Orthodox patriarch but now in Russia, because the first meeting was in Cuba. Our Lady further explains that in this period Christians would be severely persecuted, and that communism would bring great suffering to the church. When the church appears to be dead, God will intervene by now sending the Warning:

In this warning there will be a illumination of the conscience of all people and everyone will know their sins and their consequences of the way God sees them and how they offend Him, just as they will know the good they have ceased to do. It will be something so shocking and painful that everyone will have no doubt that it comes from God and that He exists. It is a warning for correction of consciences, but then will enter the free will of each one in following or not to God. They called this warning the second Pentecost.

This warning is still a preparation for the Miracle that God will do sequentially on the earth, this being the largest ever made in the history of mankind, which will take place on the Pine Hill in Garabandal. It will be immensely miraculous, intangible, but which will be visible to all and will not disappear, it will convert countless unbelievers which unfortunately the warning itself has not been sufficient, just as it will convert Russia (in Fatima the conversion of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has already been foretold). Miraculous cures will occur. The Miracle, at last, will be the last public warning to humanity.

Finally, there is no conversion, it becomes the punishment. It will be something terrible, never passed before by the men on earth and compatible with their crimes.


On March 3, 1962 the Blessed Virgin asked Padre Pio de Pietreltina to send a letter to the seer Conchita de Garabandal. The final part of the letter highlights that:

"I only give you one counsel: pray and make you pray, for the world is at the beginning of perdition Do not believe in you, nor in your colloquia with Our Lady... believe when it's too late."

A few years later, on October 10, 1967, Padre Pio for gifts of bilocation (being in two places simultaneously) visited the seer Conchita, which lasted about an hour. It is worth mentioning that Padre Pio never left the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo after his entry to the place.

Read or see more by clicking on the links in the references of this text below.


MENSAGENS DO CÉU. The apparitions of Our Lady of Carmo in Garabandal - Spain.

GOSPA MIRA TV. Profias and messages of Garabandal - Dr. Patricia Large.


ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS. Russian pope and patriarch plan meeting for 2022.

ALE MACHADO OFFICIAL. Warning, Miracle and Punishment - Full Summary - Check it out!