Those who follow Catholic channels must have come across a certain miracle a few times: images of Our Lord or Our Lady or rosaries or books of the bible emerging unharmed from great fires or natural disasters, where everything else was decimated. Below we list some of these miracles related to images of Our Lady in different cities in Brazil. All were widely viralized on social networks, moving the faithful and even converting many. Similar facts happen around the world.
Just reading is not enough, watch the video below, it's more than impressive. The entire trunk of the cart loaded with cotton feathers caught fire, leaving everything destroyed inside and out, except for the huge image of Our Lady of Aparecida in the background The incident occurred on July 28, 2022 on BR-267 in the Bataguassu region, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. And even more impressive is that nowhere in the image was there any trace of burns. As those who passed by at the time said: "the image didn't even touch it! It's impressive!". Check it out in the video below:
Source: Orações Poderosas
Despite the intense fire that spread, no one was injured in the incident and the causes of the fire were not identified or disclosed later.
For those who thought that the miracle that happened on the truck in Mato Grosso do Sul was just a big coincidence, see another case exactly the same and again with the Patroness of Brazil, but it occurred in 2022 on the BR-158 in Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná, Brazil. The entire truck has been consumed by fire for over 20 hours and the image of Our Lady of Aparecida, at the bottom of the trunk of the truck, does not even have a scratch, melting or deformities that the fire would certainly cause. Everything else was left in ashes. The driver was saved, thanks to Nossa Senhora Aparecida! Image and video in sequence:
Source: social networks
Source: Canal SóNotíciaBoa
Another driver passing by the place that recorded the video above highlights his admiration for the miracle before his eyes:
"I wanted to show the situation of the truck that burned on the Xagu Bridge here. (...) It was only a miracle that the driver was saved. But I'm going to show you another important detail here: what was left of the truck... intact... (and the video shows a large image of Our Lady).
Interestingly, the fire department said that it was only after controlling the fire of the entire truck that had already been destroyed that they went to check the back and were surprised by the grand intact image and the phrase next to it, also fully visible and without any damage :
"Cover me with your Holy Mantle. Amen"
The image of the fire consuming the company and the house next to it is impressive. There is not a single inch without the flames consuming everything. What happened was at dawn on January 13, 2022 in the city of Cantagalu , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Soon the fire brigade arrives and with time controls and puts out the fire, without any injuries. But something caught the attention of one of these firefighters, leaving him emotional: inside the house consumed by fire, an intact painting of Our Lady of Fatima, without deformations or melting and still nailed to the wall! Watch the following video:
Source: Cantu in Foco
Another miraculous divine event was witnessed again by the firefighters. Now in control of the fire of a house in a city of Ponta Grossa - Campos Gerais region, Paraná, Brazil, which occurred on August 29, 2022. All the rooms of the property were consumed by the fire, except for the place where there was an altar with an image of Our Lady of Aparecida and a rosary. Both without any kind of fire or melting marks, as seen in the image:
Source: Fire Department Disclosure
The city of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, suffers annually from the rainy season and consequent landslides (up to hundreds) and floods . In 2011, 152 people died and hundreds were left homeless in the region due to the strong storms and their consequences. But that doesn't mean Our Lady doesn't intervene for her children! Residents renewed their faith and hope when they came across an image of Our Lady of Grace that was unharmed after the wall of a condominium was knocked down by the flood and destroyed everything in front of it. Check it out in the image:
Source: social networks and Diário de Petrópolis
Again, an image of Our Lady of Graces suffered an "attack" by natural forces, this time in the city of Cândido Vargas, João Pessoa, Brazil, on February 22, 2023. It was a day of heavy rain, until a tree in front of a maternity hospital fell to the ground, and heavy rain. Right ahead was a statue of Nossa Senhora das Graças. But bigger than the bush, was the miracle: note that the trunk and branches did not reach Our Mother , only the protective glass of the statue was shattered. Cars parked on either side were damaged and no pedestrians were hi. See the image and video below:
Source: social networks
Fonte: Portal ClickPB
Referências: A12, Blog do Caminhoneiro, Canal SóNotíciaBoa, Cantu em Foco, Correio Braziliense, Diário de Petrópolis, Itatiaia, Orações Poderosas, Paróquia São Francisco Xavier, Portal ClickPB, Tribuna10, Tribuna Hoje, UOL (a), UOL (b)