Hand of Christ Unfolds from the Cross and Reaches Out to Forgive Sinner a Third Time

You commit a sin, you repent, you confess it. Some time later he returns to commit it, repents once again, but does not know if he will receive forgiveness from God for falling again.... See then this brief report. If you effectively feel guilty and repentant, God is ready and waiting for you to forgive you!

This miracle happened exactly on the cross of forgiveness, which is in the monastery of Santa Ana and St. Joseph, in the city of Córdoba, Spain. The priest who made the confessions is usually strict, with the best intention of not making his brothers sin again.

One person was then confessing his sin to this priest, under the cross of forgiveness. The priest gave you the acquittal. But the sinner again committed the sin that seemed to him to be his weak spot. But the parish priest seriously warned, "this is the last time I have forgiven you"

But some time later and under the guilt of having committed the same sin again, he knelt under the cross of forgiveness again to confess, but the priest did not want to consent to this and said: "Do not play with God, please. I can't let you keep sining."

At the same moment there was a loud noise coming from the cross. As they looked at Jesus' right arm he was left on the cross and his body bowed, clearly as if he were extending His hand to the sinner and offering him his forgiveness. But the miracle was even greater, both of them heard the voice of God who said, "I was the one who shed the blood on this person, not you."

God is always with his hand outstretched to us to repent and follow His path! God wants to pour Out His mercy on us in these difficult times. Just as He wants us to forgive our brethren, seventy times seven times if necessary.... Let us seek the Father while there is time... Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!


LINA LUZ OFICIAL. A mão de Jesus que descravou da cruz. É de arrepiar! Vejam!

PORTAL CATÓLICO. Quando o braço de Cristo soltou-se da cruz para perdoar um pecador