The intercession of Saint Joseph in the miracle of the plane that broke in two on landing

The plane was about to land, carrying 99 passengers, including the flight crew, en route from Madrid to Granada on March 30, 1992. At the time of landing, strong winds and heavy rain fell at the scene. 

The worst happens: the plane approaches with great speed hits the landing gear on the runway, catapulting it up back, returning to the ground about 360 meters later and performing several tappers that caused it to break into two parts - which came to be separated by 100 meters from each other after the accident. 

An indescribable tragedy, in which the worst-case scenario is expected. But.... no dead! only 26 injured. The kerosene from the plane spread over the passengers, but the fact that the two parties didn't crash didn't blow it up. The only passenger in serious condition was the one who threw himself off the plane after the rupture, causing him brain damage and coma for a month, but then recovered in hospital and back to his life. Big luck everyone's going to be okay? Coincidence? No.

The pilot of the plane, Jaime Mazarrasa, was the brother of Father Gonzalo, very devout of St. Joseph. At the beginning of March of that year the priest began a traditional devotion of 30 days of prayers to St. Joseph and asked that something impossible be performed, a great miracle, but did not specify anything.

After the 30 days of prayer to St. Joseph, exactly on March 30, the very serious accident with the plane that his brother flew and all miraculously survive this great tragedy. Even those who were in the parts of the plane that broke in half did not die!