The presence of Saint Joseph in the miracle of the sun in Fatima: a sign of the proximity of the final battle

The miracle of the sun in the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima was reported here, see in the tab Our Lady: the miracle of the sun. But a fundamental point still deserves to be highlighted: the presence of St. Joseph in this great miracle - characterizing a very particular meaning about the proximity of the final battle even in the present times (or even perhaps already in the course of events). According to sister Lucy's visions:

"Missing Our Lady, in the immense distance of the firmament, we saw, next to the sun, St. Joseph with the Child and Our Lady dressed in white, with a blue robe. St. Joseph with the Child seemed to bless the world with some gestures they made with a hand in the shape of a cross."

Following the Sagrada Familia disappears and the sun begins to turn, dance, with intense approach and detachment of the people present there, changes in color from the atmosphere and disappearing all intense rain, drying every drop of water that had fallen. 

The presence of St Joseph, the Child Jesus and the Virgin Mary in this miracle that is considered one of the greatest ever seen and widely reported since the Old Testament is not a coincidence. According to one of fatima's greatest scholars, Mons. Joseph Cirrincione, this apparition reinforces the value of fatherhood: the figure of the father in a family is its pillar and reflects the fatherhood of God, so with the disintegration of this pillar in these times is destroying families.  This apparition was in 1917 and it's 2022, over 100 years ago, and everything got immensely worse. The family in this generation has been widely attacked, discredited and dissolved. 

In this context the scholar also concluded that: "The Miracle of the Sun represents not so much a threat of future evils, but an omen of the dethronement of God the Father and an indication of the terrible consequences that will follow." 

In a letter sent by Sister Lucy to Cardinal Carlo Cafarra, Archbishop of Italy, she reports that the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be over marriage and the familyas well as those who defend these two institutions. But let no one fear, for the people who defended them would be supported in every way in the clashes and that Our Lady has already crushed the head of the serpent.

The Cardinal pointed out that for John Paul II the family was the central and fundamental point of creation: the truth of the relationship between man and woman over the generations, a pillar of the building that cannot yield - but that the world was at this breaking point of the pillar.

We are seeing this all happen before our eyes brothers.... Society is calling right wrong and wrong right. The Bible warns us of the consequences of these actions in Isaias 5:20 - "Ai of those who call evil good and good evil; of those who say that darkness is light and light darkness; of those who make bitter sweet and bitter sweet."

But the Mother has already secured victory for those who remain in the faith, just as Her Heart and Her Son will be glorified by overcoming all the evil that would come upon the earth.

READ MORE about the appearance of St Joseph and the Holy Family in the miracle of the sun and the evidence of the imminent final battle that is approaching in the links of the references of this following text.


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ACIDIGITAL. São José também esteve no milagre do sol de Fátima e este é seu significado

ACIDIGITAL. Irmã Lúcia: Batalha final entre Cristo e Satanás será sobre família e matrimônio

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BIBLE GATEWAY. Isaias 5:20