The nun Marie Simon Pierre worked as a nurse in a French hospital, conducting her activities normally, until she was 40 years old... Suddenly, problems began to hold objects, soon also to walk. She was reluctant to tell her mother superiors, but it was all visible to everyone in a short time. When she sought medical help, she received a diagnosis of advanced Parkinson's disease (stage 3) and had little time left to live. Soon she wouldn't even speak anymore and wouldn't have the balance to walk. The doctor could only alleviate his pain with medication and nothing else.
The nun, with her faith, does not surrender. She decides to write a letter to the Holy Priest John Paul II , who had just died in 2005, asking for his intercession with God. But the words are written illegibly due to the lack of control she already had in her hands.
The sisters of her religious congregation began to pray for weeks to the Polish pope for Marie's healing, but her condition only got much worse. When they noticed that there was no remission of the disease and that she could not take it anymore, they decided to take her to the family home to say goodbye... When everything was ready to take her, some sisters ran to their superior asking her to go to the nun's room . Upon entering the place, she is faced with the miracle :
The nun was sitting on the bed, holding a plate of soup tightly and bringing the spoon to her mouth, one at a time, without a single tremor!!! She was fully healed . She then asks for a piece of paper and a pen and writes in round letters, perfectly legible and in a straight line: “John Paul II”
Then the sister returns to her normal activities in full health. The case reached the Vatican, which began an extensive and rigorous investigation process through the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, consulting a commission of distinguished physicians, psychiatrists and theologians. Finally the final verdict: only a saint could reverse Sister Marie's terminal state, it was a miracle!
Among the neurologists on this committee was the most renowned physician in the area in Italy, Ana Colmenares, who had become an atheist when her young son died in the past, but returned to the Catholic faith when she personally examined the veracity of this miracle.
Other miracles were attributed at the same time to John Paul II, but the Vatican decided to analyze this one because the pope also suffered from Parkinson's disease, making it possible to demonstrate the battle for the dignity of life that the holy father faced.
With all documentation formalized, the Vatican proclaimed John Paul II, Karol Józef Wojtyła, blessed on May 1, 2011 (Mercy Sunday!) in a ceremony conducted by Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square in front of 1 million faithful. The beatification was one of the steps leading up to his canonization , which some time later was effected through the verification of a second miracle, making him Saint John Paul II.
References: Provas de fé: João Paulo II (filme Indigenius Estúdios); AFP Português, CNBB, Correio Braziliense, Canção Nova, Cristovisión