Another Brazilian was blessed with a miracle (oops, in this case, two miracles!) through the intercession of a great saint of humanity, leading to his canonization by the Vatican. Today we will see the story of the miraculous Marcilio Haddad Andrino under the intercession of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Until 2008 Marcilio led a normal life: graduated in engineering, with master's and doctorate degrees, and subsequently passed a public exam. This was followed by scheduling his wedding with the woman of his life: Fernanda Nascimento Rocha.
But as he got close to the wedding, his health began to deteriorate: he had double vision and felt sudden dizziness. Doctors were consulted and could not find the reason for the problem. Nothing, however, shook the couple's desire for marriage. Even on the wedding day, Marcilio had a seizure. It was enough for some to whisper in Fernanda's ear: "Don't get married, this man is sick". Fernanda doesn't listen and remains firm at her future husband's side and in prayer, carrying out the sacrament of marriage on the same day.
Soon Marcilio's health worsened further, until he had a severe seizure that led to his admission to the hospital. The terrible news came from the doctors: he had eight brain abscesses (infections in the brain, a type of pus tumor) causing severe hydrocephalus . It is usually possible to recover from just one abscess...
At the hospital they could only treat him with strong antibiotics to give him additional time to live, which paralyzed the left side of his body as well as affecting his cognition. Human medicine was delivered, only God's supernatural could act and save his life. This is where the action of the couple's great intercessor begins to come into play: Mother Teresa of Calcutta, already considered blessed by the Vatican at that time.
The initial contact with the blessed came from Fernanda's boss, who told her that she had been cured of an aneurysm through the intercession of Mother Teresa, but she had no way of proving it to her, but she was absolutely certain. He gave her the novena that he prayed for the blessed. But fate would once again confirm the strong intention of the nun in the couple's life: Fernanda sought out her priest, called Elmiran Ferreira, and he gave her a relic of Mother Teresa along with a brief prayer of intercession (see at the end of the post) that she had won. previously when celebrating mass at the Casa das Missionárias da Caridade, in Santos.
It was the confirmation they needed. The couple began to pray fervently in front of the nun's relic for her intercession. Fernanda still placed the relic on her husband's head or under his pillow.
The year went by and when December arrived, a severe headache occurred with the accumulation of water, requiring emergency surgery to place a drain and give the patient some more survival. However, exactly at the time of the operation, Marcilio woke up and told the doctors that he was fine (along with a great feeling of peace), postponing the surgery until the next day.
Doctors carried out new tests in the meantime until the following day and found that the abscesses had reduced by 70% and there was no longer any hydrocephalus - no longer requiring surgery. Only three days later, other tests confirmed that the abscesses had completely disappeared, leaving only scars. A few days later, he walked out of the hospital to go home!
One of the doctors responsible for the examination states: “I don’t know what happened, medicine doesn’t explain what happened to Marcilio; It can only be someone up there.”
The couple had no doubts: it was the intercession with God of Mother Teresa of Calcutta in answers to their intense prayers. The couple's blessings would not stop there, as this was the first miracle in their lives. As newlyweds, they wanted to have children. But the treatment to give Marcilio some extra life with extremely strong medications reduced the chances of having children by less than 1%... That's for medicine!
Six months later, the second miracle arrived : Fernanda became pregnant and they had Mariana. And not only that: two years later, the couple's second son arrived: Murilo! Marcilio concludes with conviction: "It was an extension of the miracle: the miracle of healing and my children”. Today, the whole family prays together to the saint!
Whether it's called a double miracle or an extended miracle , it's the same thing, the important thing is that this was a SUPER MIRACLE!!!
See also a brief report from the couple about their intercession (activate YouTube automatic translation if necessary - subject to errors):
Source: TV Canção Nova
The case was taken to the Vatican, which under medical and theological analyzes considered the cure of the tumors impossible to be obtained by human means, confirming the very strong intercession that occurred and leading this miracle to the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta on September 4, 2016. Watch the video below of the moment Pope Francis inscribes it in the Book of Saints of the Catholic Church (activate YouTube automatic translation if necessary - subject to errors):
Source: The Vatican - PT Archive
Finally, after the canonization, Marcilio leaves a strong message of hope to everyone who needs a miracle:
“Mother Teresa's message is that God's mercy is for everyone , Fernanda and I are normal people among God's people. God chooses who to make his mercy known so that he can reach everyone, as in the case of Mother Teresa who cared for anyone, without making distinctions. I hope that the canonization of Mother Teresa teaches people to have mercy on one another. God's mercy is for everyone, I repeat. I received this miracle, but God also chooses you. We are all chosen .”
It was this following prayer that the couple prayed fervently for Mother Teresa's intercession with God:
“Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the thirsty love of Jesus on the Cross to become a living flame within you. You became the light of His love for all. Obtain from the heart of Jesus… (ask for grace here). Teach me to let Jesus penetrate and possess my entire being, so completely that my life can also radiate His light and love to others. Amen.”
References: Diocese de Blumenau, Diocese de Piracicaba, Canção Nova, TV Canção Nova, Agência Brasil, O Padre Pio, Pascom Brasil, The Vatican - PT Archive, Catedral de Santo Antônio - Osasco/SP, WikiMedia Commons