Little is said about our future life in Paradise, but the Bible itself and the saints have already given us great indications of the splendor of happiness we will have, which is not even possible to imagine on this earth:
I Corinthians 2:9[9]It is as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, such are the goods that God has prepared for those who love him.
Saint John Bosco (Don Bosco) in one of his prophetic dreams experienced a spark of the light of paradise, saying that it would be possible to illuminate the entire universe with it (READ MORE BY CLICKING HERE).
Before entering Paradise, the physical bodies of the righteous will be resurrected and reunited with their souls, but they will be glorified bodies , just like Jesus after His resurrection. We can attest to this again from the Bible in another passage from Corinthians:
I Corinthians 15:42-44 [ 42]So is the resurrection of the dead. Sown in corruption, the body is raised incorruptible; [ 43] sown in contempt, rises again in glory; sown in weakness, it is raised strong ;[44] sown in an animal body, it is raised in a spiritual body. If there is an animal body, there is also a spiritual one.
Today, then, we bring you a post about what the sense of taste will be for glorified bodies according to Saint Augustine:
After the resurrection, the bodies of the righteous will not need any medicine to avoid the damage of illness and old age, precursors to death, nor any bodily food to ward off the painful impression of hunger and thirst.
They will have the privilege of inviolable and certain immortality but will be allowed to take food as they wish. They will not be forced to eat out of necessity, like our Savior after the resurrection (see Luke 24:41-43).
In fact, the Christian faith does not hesitate to affirm that Christ shared bread and drink with his disciples, even though he was clothed in spiritual but true flesh. Therefore it is not the ability to eat and drink that will disappear from the body, but the need to do so. The spiritual body does not cease to be a body, but is vivified by the spirit.
According to Father J. Marc, in addition to being able to eat as much as we want, more in accordance with our future nature (still without the current digestion needs), our taste buds will be very refined, and the pleasure of eating will be incredibly greater compared to the taste we have today in our earthly bodies.
A brief notion of this taste can be seen in the gifts that God gave to animals to survive, some of which are far superior to ours (we will create a topic on this subject soon!). For example, a simple mouse. Your taste buds can detect flavors that we would miss, such as calcium and carbon dioxide, as well as detect chemicals in food in parts per million ratios. If God gave a magnificent gift like this to one of the smallest of His irrational animals, imagine the taste of His righteous children in their glorified bodies, and all eating much more delicious foods!
The same thing will happen with all the other senses of the body. And what is even more splendid: this happiness will still be very small compared to that of seeing God face to face!!!
References: App Bíblia Ave Maria, A Cidade de Deus - Santo Agostinho, Paraíso Celeste - A Felicidade dos Bem Aventurados, Canal dos Santos Anjos, Meus Animais