Priest Pio mystically saw in people's souls all their sins during confessions before they said them!

We commonly hear or read somewhere that God is seeing everything at all times and that when the books of life are opened in the final judgment, all the details of our lives will be exposed. In this post today, we will show a gift offered by God to Saint Pio (Padre Pio) who mystically saw all past sins of people during their confessions, including even the day and time, even before they spoke! It is concrete proof that we will see all our actions in the book of life. And may our names be written on it, God willing! 

Experiences during their confessions 

Priest Pio mysteriously hardly slept (and very little ate). His time seemed to come out of human chronometers and enter God's "time". In addition to the numerous daily religious activities, he still attended an incredible 14 hours of confessions a day. It was necessary to subscribe to a very tight schedule to confess with the saint. Each one lasted an average of 3 minutes. Accounting for this average with the time devoted to confessions, there are estimates that the priest made approximately 5 million confessions during his lifetime. 

Therefore, for those who already know at least a little bit about the mystical life of the priest, they must already imagine how many conversions, miracles, visions, apparitions, etc., occurred during that long time in the confessional. Many even sought him out in confession to obtain directions for their private or professional lives. On the other hand, some atheists sought him out to mock him and were quickly unmasked in the confessional itself ! Today we will report only six testimonies out of hundreds available and recorded in their biographies around the world. 

1 - Padre Pio reveals the last valid confession and sins of a German 

This is the testimony of a German spiritist (as well as other related religions) who only accompanied his Italian wife to masses. Until he decided to confess to Padre Pio, kind of out of curiosity or even confrontation. Arriving at the confessional, he said: 

- German: Look Father, confession is an excellent pedagogical resource invented by the Catholic Church; 

- Priest Pio: So all your confessions during your life were false and sacrilegious . Wait here and think about when was your last valid confession; 

He got up and went to hear the women's confessions in another part of the church. Returning asked: 

- Priest Pio: And then, did you remember your last valid confession? 

In the meantime that he was waiting, the German said that he was so disturbed inwardly by the priest's statement that a divine grace came over him, making him reflect that he really needed to confess. Then he said: 

- German: I will need to make a general confession, since my childhood... 

The holy priest then mystically sees all the past sins of his life and says: 

- Priest Pio: No. Let's start with the confession you made on your honeymoon, it was the last valid one

The man was so stunned by the sight of the priest that he froze in shock and could no longer speak. No problem! Padre Pio himself begins to speak each of his sins to him, listing each one and indicating the circumstances in which it happened. 

- Priest Pio: Ok, this is your confession. is acquitted 

2 - Padre Pio reports a fault of a priest that hurt God a lot 

This testimony is from a priest who traveled a long way to confess with Padre Pio. After his confession, the priest asks: 

- Priest Pio: My son , do you remember anything else? 

- Priest replies: "No priest...". 

- Priest Pio: Come on, think a little 

The man still tried to rescue something from his mind but found nothing. The saint then meekly informs him what he already knew

- Priest Pio: My son, yesterday when you arrived at five in the morning in Bologna, the churches were still closed. However, instead of waiting, he decided to go to a hotel to rest a little before mass. He lay down in bed and slept so soundly that he only woke up at 3 pm. At that time it was too late to celebrate mass. I know you didn't do it out of malice, but it was negligence that hurt God a lot. 

3 - Padre Pio indicates the professional path of an Italian so that he would not die 

This is the testimony of an Italian born in Livorno, Italy, a marine professional with extensive experience. In his professional career he had already worked in the main coastal capitals of Europe. But when 1956 arrived, he received a great proposal... the problem was that he had to work on the other side of the world: in Australia. He was very undecided, deciding to confess to Padre Pio before making any decision. He prepared well for the confession, but at the moment he started to speak but then no more words came out... 

Priest Pio noticing the problem, "reads" his soul and mentions his sins: you have sinned in this, in this, in this and in that. He even reported four major sins. 

At this moment, the Italian says he has received an inner enlightenment of mind and heart, and reports: 

- Italian: I saw the unknown, I understood what it means to live by faith, to live the life of the spirit. And yet it felt like a departure from the things of the earth. I still listened a mysterious and clear voice telling me: You shouldn't go to Australia, because serious family events would drive you to despair and throw you into the sea.

Returning to his normal state and receiving absolution from Padre Pio, he returned home and decided not to move to Australia after the enlightenment he had. And after six months, the serious facts previously revealed by the sky occurred. But he was still in Italy and the serenity he gained from the previous revelation made it possible for him to find the right "remedies" for the situation. 

4 - Padre Pio denies absolution to a man who lied in confession 

When it was his turn to go to confession, a man approached the priest and began to discuss his sins, until he heard the saint replying: 

- Priest Pio : You're lying! Get out of here! 

He then closes the confessional window in the subject's face. He left in a rage and discrediting the holy father to anyone he could, saying that a Christian is not treated like that... that is an insult, etc. But everyone who knew the priest and knew about his mysterious vision of souls advised him: "If the priest said so, he's right! You better do an examination of conscience!!"Until he couldn't take it anymore and he confessed to his grave fault that he didn't want to say in confession: 

- "Ahh ... I think it's because I have a relationship with a woman who is not mine..." 

5 - Padre Pio cites the place and year of a sin forgotten to be confessed 

A man discusses his sins and finishes his confession. But before giving absolution, the priest asks: "Don't you know something else?". The man tries to remember some situation but said he doesn't remember anything else 

Priest Pio then begins to describe a situation he had with a girl when he was still in the army... He remembers and is filled with shame. And the saint ends: "you've been carrying that sin since 1941 and the place was Blackburn" 

6 - Padre Pio unmasks two Masons who invented sins... And they convert 

Two Freemasons who hated God and the Holy Catholic Church wanted to desecrate the Sacrament of Penance. For that, they planned to go to confession with the priest on different days, inventing sins

But... During their confessions the priest interrupts them and says he knows they were speaking lies. energetically says: 

- Priest Pio : Why did you sell your soul to the devil? How irresponsible... 

And he still turns the tables: he observes their souls and begins to mention their real sins, saying the day, place and how they committed them. 

Both left the church perplexed and were converted a few days later!

References: Padre Paulo Ricardo (a); Padre Paulo Ricardo (b)Associação Regina Fidei (a)Associação Regina Fidei (b)Ricardo Pio Maria