Jesus said that those who truly believed in Him would do the miracles He did and even greater. And so it was with Padre Pio, almost two thousand years after the first coming of the Creator to earth.
In 1925, Maria, mother of a child who had already been discredited by the doctor due to a serious illness that affected her boy... the medicine of the time could do nothing. But in this period the holiness of Padre Pio was already going through Italy, reaching the ears of the sad and desperate mother. Even living in the southern region of the country, in the city of Puglia, took a train with the child to San Giovanni Rotondo.
But there wasn't enough time, the child died during the trip. But her faith in God and in the friar's holiness did not make her give up. He sailed his son all night along the way. Dawning, put the lifeless boy inside a suitcase and arriving in San Giovanni Rotondo ran to the convent. He waited for a few hours still in line until everyone confessed to the priest. Arriving before him, spending almost a full day of the boy's death, she painfully removes the child from the suitcase and hands it into his hands.
A doctor accompanied the scene at the scene and ensured that the child had no way of surviving in an environment as closed and airless as that suitcase for so long.
Pale, the priest rises his gaze to the sky and prays. Then his gaze descends to the child already again blushed and speaks to his mother:
Why do you weep?! Your son is not dead, just sleep! The boy recovered his senses and breath, much to the great joy and perplexity of countless present in the church at that time.
This miracle became one of the best-known holy father's intercesding. Spread the so too! Want to read more about this miracle, access the links of the references in this text below:
REGINA FIDEI ASSOCIATION. Padre Pio resurrects child in front of crowded church
SAO PIO OF PIETRELTINA. Padre Pio resurrects the child
RECANOF MISERICORDIA. One of padre pio's most beautiful miracles.