Santa Clare of Assisi (patron saint of television) attends mass "projected" with image and sound in her bedroom centuries before the invention of the TV

We are living times of great violence and atrocities, which are reported daily in various television news and police programs, many of which aimed at exploiting these barbarism in order to obtain an audience - which ends up further trivializing these crimes, as if they were something commonplace. Added to this is the countless pornographic appeals in the programs, even in "family-facing" programs in "prime time". Some of these broadcasters have a clear association with the enemy, openly defending this even in their programs, as well as fighting and condemning Christian practices. 

But there is a saint who can call on God so that the media may be a powerful tool for spreading the word of God: St Clare of Assisi. She is known for the great intercesding and miracles she achieves with God, after her immense devotion to the Holy Eucharist. But in 1253, a year before she died, already very ill, she was unable to go to Mass on Christmas Day with her sisters in the church of St. Francis, which would deprive her of receiving the living God in communion. She then begins a strong prayer and cries out to God not to leave her there alone. That's when the miracle occurred: 

St. Clare began to see the image of holy Mass inside her "projected" room on the wall, as well as to hear her sound, with the praises, instrumental sounds and all that. He even received the Holy Eucharist at the time of communion, as he so longed! 

This miracle in 1193 was considered the first "broadcast" that occurred in history, as television would have its first official broadcast only in 1943, centuries later. Santa Clara was then declared patron saint of television and those who worked on TV stations in 1958 by Pope Pius XII.  We need to pray to her that, through her intercession, she will further expand Catholic broadcasters and Christian media over the internet, as well as watertight the use of misfortunes as "commodities" on television (which has so much diverted the behavior of children and young people, mainly). 

READ or SEE MORE about this miracle of Santa Clara de Assis by clicking on the links in the references of this text below. 


TV APARECIDA. Hoje é dia de Santa Clara de Assis, padroeira da TV: Conheça mais sobre essa Santa tão querida!

TV CANÇÃO NOVA. Santa Clara: conheça a história da padroeira da televisão

A12. Jornal Santuário: Por que Santa Clara é a padroeira da Televisão?

FRANCISCANOS. Santa Clara de Assis