Testimonies around the world of the intercessions of Saint Jude Thaddeus. Patron Saint of Lost Causes

In today's post we will report some testimonies of the intercessions with God of Saint Jude Thaddeus , apostle and cousin of Christ, as well as one of the greatest saints of the impossible causes of the Catholic Church. In a future post we will discuss about his life and miracles that occurred during his pilgrimage as a disciple and evangelizer on earth. All testimonies were collected from the official websites of sanctuaries dedicated to Saint Jude Thaddeus in Brazil, India and Nigeria.

Saint Jude Thaddeus Sanctuary Parish – São Paulo / Brazil 

Testimony 1 - “I chose to be a mother very late, and I regretted it. When I wanted to get pregnant, with 8 years of marriage, I couldn't . I developed endometriosis. I decided to do insemination. I had only one egg and one chance. On the way to the procedure, I asked Saint Jude and I felt a lot of confidence in my heart! I heard: Go there and do it! During the whole procedure I felt the presence of God. I knew that St. Jude was there with me and would help me. And I got pregnant! Today I cry with happiness. I have a lot of faith! São Judas Tadeu gave me the blessing that is my daughter Rafaela. I just have to say thank you!” - Katiana S. Martins Mori 

Testimony 2 - “I've been a volunteer here since 1993, but for the first time I asked for a grace in this Shrine for me. In March I fell and my knee got water . And I asked Saint Judas to intercede with Jesus so that the water on his knee would dry up, because it hurt and bothered him a lot. I didn't feel the bone, just the water. After I asked him, I didn't feel the water on my knee anymore. In 15 days it was completely dry. I don't feel pain anymore. I already thanked you very much. I attended a Thanksgiving Mass and offer my volunteer work.” - Eliana Pedra da Silva.

Saint Jude Thaddeus Church and Shrine – Pakshikere, Mangalore / India 

Testimony 3 - “I, Juliana de Bajpe, thank God and Saint Judas for bringing my son back home safe and sound. My son who was lost for a month has returned home safely. It was only possible after I made a novena (to Saint Jude Thaddeus), prayer and retreat here. I thank Father Alban for his prayers” – Mrs. Juliana Rodrigues, Parish of Bajpe. 

Testimony 4 - “I, Raju Prabhakar, (...) was diagnosed with cancer. I came to the Church of Saint Jude Thaddeus and prayed that I would be healed. My doctor told me (later) that my cancer had already been cured and a small surgery would be enough. I praise God for this cure” – Raju Prabhakar, Thokottu, Mangalore.

Dominican Sanctuary of Saint Jude Thaddeus, Yaba / Nigeria 

Testimony 5 - “My brother, Obinna Cletus Ude, had polio which affected both of his legs when he was 2 years old. So my dad went to the hospital with him to see the doctor. After consultation and diagnosis, the doctor confirmed that my brother would never walk again. But my father, being a devotee of São Judas Tadeu, decided to take the case to our miracle worker at his Sanctuary in São Domingos Yaba. (...) My father and mother went to work leaving my brother at home to be taken care of by those who lived with us. 

So one day of faithfulness, when my dad came home from work, my brother was yelling, “Daddy! Daddy! Saint Judas Tadeu came to visit me, daddy! See, I can walk. ” It so happened that on the afternoon of the said day, the great apostle Saint Judas Tadeu visited my brother and did his wonders. Behold, my brother began to walk with two legs"praise the Lord, hallelujah". Everyone was full of joy and happiness. From that day on, São Judas Tadeu became the patron saint of our family. It's a real life story. All thanks to God and the great Saint Jude Thaddeus. Saint Jude Thaddeus, pray for us always - loreta. 

Testimony 6 - “As a child, I had rheumatoid arthritis. (...) The result is inflammation of the joints, often marked by redness, heat, pain and swelling. I suffered from the polyarticular type because six of my joints were affected. This started when I was only 4 years old ! (...) After so many years of treatment and physiotherapy at UNTH Enugu, one day I asked my doctor if it was curable. She looked at me and asked if I believed in God. I replied in the affirmative. Then she told me that it was incurable, but it can only be controlled. But at the same time, nothing is impossible for God. 

(...) So, my first Saint Jude Novena was in October 2017. My prayer intention was complete healing from Rheumatoid Arthritis. I prayed for the same intention in the Novena of January 2018 and also in the Novena of Lent. Afterwards, I did the exams they asked me to do and when I returned to the clinic in April 2018: the specialist looked at the exams, looked at me, smiled, shook my hand and said – Congratulations, Moisés. There are no traces of arthritis in your system. So far, as I write this, I have no pain in my fingers, joints and wrists! For the first time in over thirty (30) years I'm without the pain of arthritis, wow! This is a miracle through the mighty intercession of helping the destitute, Saint Judas Tadeu, and I am proud to share it to spread devotion to him for the glory of God.” - Rev. Moses Igwebuike Ani, OP

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus

Saint Jude Thaddeus, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus! The Church honors and invokes you throughout the world as patron of desperate cases and hopeless affairs. 

Pray for me that I am so desolate! I implore you, make use of the privilege you have to bring immediate help, where help has almost completely disappeared. Assist me in this great need, so that I can receive consolation and help from heaven in all my needs, tribulations and suffering. 

Saint Jude Thaddeus, reach me the grace I ask of you. 

(Order the grace you want) 

I promise Thee, O blessed Saint Jude, to always remember this great favor and never cease to praise and honor Thee as my special and mighty Patron and to do all in my power to spread Thy devotion far and wide. 

Saint Jude Thaddeus, of desperate cases and hopeless businesses, pray for us! 

Saint Jude Thaddeus, of desperate cases and hopeless businesses, pray for us! 

Saint Jude Thaddeus, of desperate cases and hopeless businesses, pray for us! 


References: Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus, Paróquia Santuário São Judas TadeuSt. Jude Church and ShrinePadre Reginaldo Manzotti