Padre Pio's prophecy about the approaching triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!!!

ATTENTION : We do not want to scare you with this post (much less cheap sensationalism), but rather to inform and warn everyone to take precautions while there is still time and "put their house in order", to help them save their souls! Other serious Catholic channels are doing the same, you may have already seen. Padre Pio was immensely devoted to Our Lady of Fátima and her prophecies. In his great holiness and devotion, he received from God visions and knowledge about what punishments will be applied to humanity at the end of the times predicted in Fátima and La Salette, which will occur for the conversions of many before His glorious second return to Earth and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her Heart. Padre Pio's prophecy of the current approach of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was announced in Italy by one of his spiritual children (or also called protected children) still alive today and in a letter written by the priest himself to his superior

1 - Testimony of your spiritual child

This spiritual son of his revealed the prophecy told to him by Padre Pio to a priest of the Franciscan order called Frei Pietro Maria Pedalino who is from the same religious order as the holy father and author of books, radio programs, as well as a very well-liked priest in Italy. Pietro of the public faith that this testimony is of the highest credibility. Listen to and read the Italian audio of the friar's account in the video below (turn on the subtitles with YouTube's automatic translation):

Source: Tempi di Maria

Since then, this testimony has been disseminated on countless serious Catholic channels devoted to the Holy Father Pio around the world, described below: 

This event happened between 1963 and 1964. At that time the priest spoke a lot about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which would come after a terrible punishment applied to all humanity, the likes of which had never been seen before. Until one day, after the Angelus prayer at 6:00 pm, when he used to stay on the garden balcony talking with his close friends and spiritual children, one of his children asked him: 
- When will the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be? Is there a lot to look forward to or not? 
- Padre Pio responds: Neither you nor I will see it, but these children here will see it (pointing to some children there with them).

                         Source: public image

There were some children present at the time who were the children of that group of close friends of Padre Pio. Assuming that these children must have been between 5 and 10 years old in that year of 1963, then in the current year of 2024 they are today (if still alive) between 66 and 71 years old. The current average life expectancy of Italians is 80.6 years for men and 85.1 years for women. 

Maria's triumph seems to be just around the corner, doesn't it?!!? All it takes is some basic arithmetic to realize that time is running out!Watch the following video produced by Miraculum with a summary of this prophecy:

2 - The letter written by Padre Pio

The veracity of this account by his spiritual son is confirmed by Padre Pio himself, who wrote in a letter to his superior the revelations confided to him by God about the approach of the end times (and consequently the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), which were later published in the book "I grandi profeti" by Renzo Baschera. Below are 12 excerpts from this letter:

1) The world is walking in ruins. People have abandoned the right path to venture down roads that end in the desert of violence. If they don't drink again from the fountain of humility, charity and love, it will be a catastrophe.
2) Terrible things will come. I can no longer intercede for men. Divine mercy is about to come to an end. Man was created to love life, and ended up destroying life...
3) When the world was entrusted to man, it was a garden. Man has transformed it into an atmosphere full of poison. Nothing now serves to purify the house of man. A deep work is needed, which can only come from heaven.
4) Prepare to live three days in total darkness. These three days are very close. And during these days, men will remain as dead, without eating or drinking. Then the light will return. But many men will no longer see it.
5) Many people will escape in fear. They will run without a goal. They will say that there is salvation in the East and people will run there. But they will fall over a cliff. They will say that there is salvation in the East, and people will run there. But they will fall into an oven.
6) The earth will tremble and there will be great panic. The earth is sick. The earthquake will be like a serpent: you will feel it crawling all over you. And many stones will fall. And many men will perish.
7) You are like ants, for the time will come when men will take out their eyes for a crumb of bread. Businesses will be plundered, stores will be taken by storm and destroyed. Poor will he be who, in these dark days, is without a candle, without a glass of water and without the bare necessities for three months.
8) A land will disappear... a great land. A country will be wiped off the map forever. And with it, men, history and wealth will be swept into the mud.
9) Man's love will be turned into empty words. How can you expect Jesus to love you if you don't even love those who eat at your own table? God's wrath will not forgive men of science, but men of heart.
10) I'm desperate. I don't know what to do to make humanity repent. If it continues down this path, the tremendous wrath of God will be unleashed like a thunderbolt.
11) A meteorite will fall to earth and everything will glow. It will be a disaster, much worse than a war. Many things will be canceled. And this will be just one of the signs...
12) People will have a tragic experience. Many will be carried away by rivers, others will be burned by fire, many will be buried by poisons. But I will keep close to the pure in heart.

In the messages received by the children of La Salette and Fatima, Our Lady argues that she has held the very heavy arm of justice of Her son Jesus against humanity, but will no longer be able to do so for a long time. See, the apparition of Fátima was in 1917, more than a hundred years ago, and at that time the Mother already classified the sins of that generation as terrible and heinous... Imagine those of today? Now, then, make the following reflection: do you know these hideous atrocities that in recent years we have seen increasing in the news in large numbers? Project this growth of barbarism added to the growth of atheism/apostasy for a few more years or a decade or even two decades ahead and try to imagine the situation in the world. Do you think a life at this extreme level of horror is normal? Sodom and Gomorrah would be horrified to see our near-future cities (or perhaps even current ones). The day and time of the beginning of such scourges or even of Jesus' return, only God knows (Matthew 24:36-39). Therefore we do not know for how long God could, perhaps, extend the beginning of this terrible time through the intercession of the Mother and the people who pray in this favor, so that more souls have time to convert and be saved

But, following Padre Pio's chronology estimate, everything is about to happen... We don't know if tomorrow, a year from now, or ten years from now or even twenty or thirty years from now. But the prophecy indicates that the severe punishment of humanity for its crimes, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the return of Jesus WILL BE IN OUR GENERATION. 

God himself asked us not to despise the prophecies: 

20 Do not despise prophecies.
21 But put everything that is said to the test and stick to what is good (1 Thessalonians, 5-20-21).

So we better be careful with the lamps lit, as did the zealous brides who waited for their groom and were not caught off guard (Matthew, 25). It is more than a time for prayer and life change. Furthermore, if we are really close to Jesus' return, for some reason He chose each one of us to make up this last generation. Let us not disappoint Him then. And yet, let us not forget the immense final message of Our Lady that offers us a lot of confidence for these upcoming times: Ultimately, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!!!

References: Tempi Di MariaBajo el Auxilio del Padre Pío, Apóstoles de Misericordia, Annie Brigthon, Revelation Virgo, Dados Mundiais, Catholic ChromaAssociação Regina Fidei, Canção NovaRádio Rainha da Paz