In this year 2022 we have heard from some countries, under authoritarian regimes, threats regarding the use of their nuclear bombs, without any fear of the consequences they will cause to the populations involved or even to the whole world. You don't have to tell me here which countries they're dealing with, just watch the news... However, a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb is the prayer of the third daily! No, it's not a force of speech. See the following testimony of the priests who came out unharmed to the Hiroshima and Nagazaki bombings.
The day was August 6, 1945, end times of World War II, but without a certainty of its end. They had in previous years developed the atomic bomb, but never used before. When then they had the worst idea ever seen in humanity: to throw them into the cities on innocent people to end a war... The Americans' targets were Hiroshima and Nagazaki in Japan, allied with the Nazi Germans at the time. From ground zero where the bomb dropped in Hiroshima, EVERYTHING was destroyed within a 3-kilometer radius: buildings decimated to dust and fire, with 70,000 humans killed instantly, including evaporated, size the degree of impact, pressure and radiation temperature. Another 60,000 more distant from this radius died in the same year from very serious burns or radiation sequelae.
But a disgrace and inhumanity like this God did not allow in a church of Our Lady of the Assumption where His Mother was intercessorfor the daily prayer of the rosary by 4 Jesuit priests: Hugo Lassalle, Hubert Schiffer, Wilhelm Kleinsorge and Hubert Cieslik.
The church was only a mile from ground zero, where everything was devastated and charred. But look below the image of the church practically intact, surrounded by dust from other houses and buildings:
Note that only small buildings were left with some carcass amid the sea of brick-to-the-ground dust, but the only larger building was the church, which obviously tends to suffer greater impact. But there he is standing, only with shattered windows!
But it was not only the physical structure of the church that did not fall apart: the priests came out totally unscathed from destruction and never presented the very serious sequelae that radiation would certainly cause with such proximity to the site of the explosion.
Father Schiffer was subsequently examined throughout his life by more than 200 scientists who did not understand how he was not instantly decimated by the explosion and even less so than it had the effects of the severe radiation to which he was exposed.
But that was never a problem for the priest, who understood God's supernatural. At the very moment of the bomb, holy Mass was prayed, and it was the day of the Feast of the Transfiguration. Still, when asked why they survived, he replied without blinking: "In this church we prayed the rosary every day! ". He lived for another 33 years without any sequel, as did the fellow priests of that church, his miracle at the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress and then in the book of his own: "The Rosary of Hiroshima".
See the following video (source: Canal dos Santos) that recounts the studies of Dr. Stephen Rinehart, a nuclear physicist at the U.S. Department of Defense, demonstrating what should have physically occurred to the church and priests with the explosion, as well as their misunderstanding of the mystical event:
But... the most terrible of atheists, before such an extraordinary miracle and Divine Providence, will say: it happens! It's no big deal. Come on then: another equivalent miracle happened in the second Japanese city hit by another atomic bomb: Nagasaki.
The convent founded by S. Maximilian Kolbe in Nagazaki also remained intact after the bomb explosion and all priests survived unharmed and without sequelae. Also asked how they survived, guess what? "We prayed the rosary every day!"
You see, Hiroshima and Nagazki were the two most Catholic cities in Japan, and with the two bombs about two-thirds of Japanese Catholics were murdered. But his persevering priests in the prayer of the rosary were protected by Our Lady. In short: the daily third has more power than an atomic bomb.
SEE or READ MORE about this amazing miracle and testimony in the videos and text references of this text by clicking on their links below.
CANAL DOS SANTOS ANJOS. 8 católicos salvos da bomba nuclear em Hiroshima pelo poder do Rosário
PARÓQUIA IMACULADO CORAÇÃO DE MARIA. Padres Jesuítas sobrevivem a Bomba atômica
CIDADÃOS DO INFINITO. O Santo Rosário - mais poderoso que a Bomba Atômica
A12. Milagre de Hiroshima: a proteção do Santo Rosário em meio à 2ª Guerra