The 15 promises of Our Lady to the devotees of the Rosary prayer: they will not be condemned to hell, a maximum of 1 day in purgatory, deliverance from misfortunes on Earth and glory in Heaven!!!

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Image of Our Lady of Good Counsel is carried by angels through the clouds from Albania to Italy

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Intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes perfectly restores the face of a child with deep burns

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CIMBRES: URGENTE! As 3 punições condicionais ao Brasil profetizadas por Nossa Senhora da Graça. Vaticano declara Irmã Adélia como Serva de Deus

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LA SALETTE, URGENT! The prophetic messages of Our Lady that have already been fulfilled and for future (current?) times

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GARABANDAL, URGENT! The messages and predictions of the end times of Nossa Senhora do Carmo

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Images of Our Lady are unharmed by natural disasters and fires: some cases in Brazil

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Our Lady of Silence, Saint Joseph and Saint John the Evangelist appear in Ireland in gratitude for the 100 masses that a priest prayed for the souls in purgatory

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Nossa Senhora de Akita verte sangue, chora e sua... A continuação das mensagens de Fátima no Japão

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The first seven miracles of Our Lady of Aparecida. Queen and patron saint of Brazil

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FATIMA, URGENT! The Three Secrets, the Consecration of Russia and the Miracle of the Sun

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Siege of Jericho: the miraculous fall of the walls that unite the Old Testament, Our Lady, Pope John Paul II and all of us!

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